All in a day - what my Monday looked like

Early morning rise for work and this is what the sky looked like. Summer is officially over.

Working on some Excel documents. At this point I'm wasting away as I stupidly skipped breakfast. However, I do have a steaming mug of green tea to keep me going.

Lunch time. I am currently munching on a bag of McCoy's crisp and a Minestrone Cup a Soup. Not the healthiest but I didn't fancy anything else. The Minnie Mouse mug is from Disneyland, Paris my dad got for me a few years ago. I call it my "office cup". 
I am also emailing back and forth with one of my friends who recently relocated to Swindon. She mentioned how much fun she had her leaving picnic. You can see that post here.

Still at work. Researching some tax stuff from HM Revenue and Customs website. People have either gone for the day or on a course so I'm Miss Bettie loner loser at the moment. 

Dinner time. We went to The Three Ponds in Nuthall for Adam's mum's birthday. I've only been there once before and really liked it. I had the duck with maple glaze with seasoned vegetables and roasted potatoes. The potatoes were okay, the vegetables were good and crunchy but the duck however was another story. It didn't have any taste and the juices from it resembled the colour of blood which put me off. I was assured it was fine though. For the price of £11 I expected more. 

Studytime. Learning Absorption Costing for my Performance Management exam. So many colourful pens makes learning possible. Currently snacking on Greek yogurt with honey. Yummy.

Bedtime. I love sleep. Even my cushion wants to wish me sweet dreamsThis cost me £1 in a random sales bin in Ikea. Even though I'm not a fan of the pink I love the vintage feel of it. You can't see but I have a second blanket next to me as it got so much colder. Guess summer is official over.

How was your Monday?



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